Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!!!!

Happy Halloween!!!!!

Menu Plan Monday

Menu Plan Monday

Happy Halloween!!!!

Monday- Old Chicago for some spooky pizza! Yum!

Tuesday- Tyler and I are having dinner together (Jon is out in the field)

Wednesday- Blueberry Pancakes and Bacon

Thursday- Hail and Farewell (Dinner at event)

Friday- Dinner on the way to Alabama or in Alabama

Saturday- Tailgating in Tuscaloosa (Buffalo Chicken Dip, Cake Balls, and Spinach Dip)

Sunday- Lunch at the St. John's, Dinner on the go on the way back to Alabama

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Happy Saturday

Oh Friday how I am glad you are gone and it is Saturday!

Friday morning I had to drive to Nashville to go see my RE Doctor. It was pouring rain and traffic was super thick. I was so frustrated and I hate driving in the rain. Why do people forget how to drive in the rain? I have never understood this. I kept getting stuck in a long line of traffic because a car was driving 10-15 miles per hour under the speed limit beside a transfer truck. By the time I got to the doctor and unloaded Tyler in his stroller in the pouring freezing rain I was beyond frustrated. Oh I forgot to mention there was ice mixed in some of the rain! IT IS NOVEMBER and I am not ready for ice yet! I had been warned the day before that I may be at my appointment for a very long time when I called the day before to schedule my appointment since mother nature came to visit me. When I walked in I signed in and went to sit and of course Tyler wanted out of the stroller. I had assumed that I would be there a while and let him out. Before I could get him out good the nurse came to get me for blood work. He was not happy with me for strapping him back in but I had a Reese cup which I bribed him to be good so I could get my blood drawn. The ultrasound tech could not be in the office so the doctor and my nurse did my ultrasound. Wow, my doctor should get out from behind his desk more often because I saw a totally different side of him and I like him more now. He is a little to straight face and can come off very cold sometimes but he is the best in Nashville and also the only one in Nashville my insurance pays for and at the price it costs I will stick to the one that takes my insurance. Good news was my ovaries are rested and it is time to start Round 2 of Infertility. I got my new calendar and scheduled my next appointments. I am doing Clomid this time so I do not have to go back for ultrasounds near as much. Sunday I start my Clomid and last night I had to start taking my blood thinner shots again. I go back in a week for my next ultrasound and blood work to see how well the Clomid worked and how close I am to get my trigger shot. We will be cutting it close with me leaving for Disney but they promised it will all work out! We will pray!

After that I was tired and freezing because it was so cold outside. Tyler and I did stop by Target just to look around. The things I was wanting they didn't have what I wanted or much to choose from. Our Target still does not have any children's Christmas attire out even though all the ones in Nashville does. I am not a waiter and I am ready for Christmas now. I have even consider starting to decorate for Christmas this weekend but the Hubs might kill me! HA! I will wait till next week! :) Do not get me wrong I love Thanksgiving and I am really, really excited about it this year but I LOVE Christmas! After Target we came home and had some lunch then Tyler went down for his nap while I worked on some projects. Daddy got to come home early and we played some games with Tyler before Daddy took a nap. Jon and I cooked supper together. He grilled BBQ chicken and I cooked roasted potato's and broccoli and cheese. Then we had apple pie and ice cream for dessert.

Saturday morning we all slept in till 9:45, yes you read that right. We ALL slept in! WOO HOO! Then I made scary pancakes and chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast. It was really good and Tyler love his scary pancake. After breakfast we all got dressed and played around for a little while. Jon turned on some football and played a few rounds of Monopoly cards. Tyler and Jon are outside soaking in some sun and throwing around the football and I am starting our ribs! I sure hope they taste yummy tonight!!!!

I almost forgot to mention that my Erin Condren Life Planner came yesterday and oh my gosh I am in love! I fell in love my Mom Agenda last year and would say they are both worth the money but the Erin Condren one is WAY better! I just love all the designs to choose from and that you can change colors if you want. My house is Red and Turquoise because that is our favorite colors so I picked that for my planner and I could not be more pleased. I spent a long time last night adding things and setting up our calendar for all of our life events which for the next few months is a lot!

Hope you are having a great Saturday!!!!