Wednesday, August 5, 2009

30 Weeks

So yesterday I turned 30 weeks! Wow time has flown by! I can not believe that I have 10 weeks left. Pregnancy symptoms are really kicking in now but I still have had a great pregnancy!

My Life right Now:
1. Most days I feel HUGE!
2. I have a VERY active little boy who can kick very hard and punch very hard!
3. Tyler has learned to do both at the same time
4. He is running out of room and is very pushy to move around where he wants
5. Braxton Hicks have begun
6. Heartburn is here to stay
7. Sleeping at night is getting hard
8. Getting comfortable is hard
9. Breathing sometimes is hard due to him smushing my lungs! Thanks Baby!
11. Mocha has decided she likes to give my belly kisses! Cute and gross!
12. I fly home in 4 weeks from today for good!
13. Jon and Dad start the drive towards home in 5 weeks from today!
14. That equals my house will get packed up in 3 weeks! Crazy!
15. Acne has gotten really bad! I feel 13 again!
16. My hubby has tried to balance things on my belly! Funny yet oh so not funny!
17. I itch!
18. Shaving is a BIG joke!
19. I cry at the drop of a pin
20. Speaking of drop I DROP EVERYTHING!
21. I am also losing my balance
22. I feel like a bloated pig
23. My appetite has decreased]
24. Flip Flops are my best friend
25. I am getting scaried to death about delivery yet excited to meet Tyler
26. Jons view is too funny!
27. I am pretty sure he is going to be in shock! TOTAL Shock!
28. I am sure of one thing, my kid is going to be dressed awesome!
29. I am ready, well acutally beyond ready to set up my nursury and actually see everything in place and see what all clothing I have!
30. I need to start washing the clothes that I do have here!
31. I also need to finish sewing a few projects for him!
32. Did I mention how FAT I feel!
33. The good news is I have lost everywhere except my belly and chest!
34. Even my face until all this water retition kicked in!
35. I love looking at all of his stuff! It gets me so excited!
36. I have to go to the bathroom all the time! LIKE ALL THE TIME!
37. My kid loves music, he will dance in my belly! Very cute!
38. I also think he is coming out with a soccer ball!
39. Did I mention when I fly home my hubby is flying with me so that we can go to the beach for Labor Day weekend!
40. Yes the boys are going fishing and me and Mom are going to the outlets and laying on the beach!
41. You will not be able to miss me! I will be the beached whale sitting in my chair with the water on my feet!
42. I am pretty sure my maternity swimsuit is going to be super tight in one area! Oh well!
43. I can not wait to see and smell the blue water!
44. I have to start getting everything ready for the hospital!
45. I am stressing about what all I need!
46. I also can not decide what kind of pajamas I want pants or gown? Suggestions?
47. Also I have no idea what to take to wear home from the hospital?
48. I know lose fitting but I want cute! Where do you find that?
49. I hope everyone makes it for the birth! I really want my Mommy and My Hubby!
50. Wow this got long! Sorry!

Okay I will post pictures later from our ultrasound today! I can not wait to see him and see how big he is getting!

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