Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Jon's Return

March 15, 2008 was a wonderful day! It was finally going to be over! 15 months of worrying and praying for his safety was going to be over! We had to arrive 4 hours early and then he was delayed again but finally at 2:45 PM eastern time his plane landed at Pope Air Field! What a wonderful site! All the emotion was starting to rise! Then they started to march in to the building and he was in the front row! He was standing right in front of me! I almost could not stand it I wanted to jump the rope and run grab him right then! I did not want to wait but after about 10 minutes they released them and it was the best 15 minutes I have had in a long time! It was like no one else was there but me and him! 15 months in Iraq was finally over! He was back in my arms and I could not believe it! One deployment down and hopefully we will have a year home together now! Life in the military can be a life with many unexpected turns!

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