33 Weeks
Okay so I am almost a week late but it has been a crazy week! Last week started my twice a week Non-stress test, once a week ultrasounds and once a week doctors appointments! It was also my first full week of Insulin! Wow, what a week!
Monday I had my NST and it went very good! I am learning why they say put socks in your suitcase for the hospital because your feet will freeze off! I also have come to learn why they say they to bring your own pillow! Man oh Man are they thin and tiny!
Tuesday brought lots of drama! I was beginning to think that I was allergic to my insulin so I called the Dr's office to talk to them about it! Turns out I was (so they thought) allergic to the brand of insulin that they gave me so they were going to prescribe me another brand. I had to come in and pick up my new prescription. When Jon got lunch I took him back to work and then to the Dr's office I went. When I got there they pulled me to the back to make sure they were giving me the opposite brand and told me they had called on post to check if they carried that brand and was told they did. So back on post I go to the pharmacy! This pharmacy has the dumbest numbering system. They use A, B, C plus a number to call you to the pharmacy counter. A's are always soldiers and they get priority over everyone else. I got a C this time and they only had one counter open that was C's, great! B's had two counters open and were going super fast! I sat for a hour and a half waiting to go to the counter to be told that they didn't carry that brand. The little guy didn't believe me that my Dr's office had told me that they did. He even called. I was frustrated and tried to talk to him and he shut his window on me! Let's just say it was a good thing he did not open it back up and that the comment card box was empty or this pregnant lady would have been rude!!! I leave post to go to Walgreens, right beside my Dr's office. I get there and it is crazy, great! I was told there would be a hour wait and they would call my name when it was ready! First just let me mention that this Walgreen's is not that old but it was GROSS!! The floors were absolutely yuck and I would not even use the bathrooms they were so gross! Yes the pregnant, had to go, lady would not use them! UGHHH!!! Next a hour came and went and no call! I sat and sat by some lovely people (Note the sarcasm)! After 2 hours I got back in the long line to wait to see if my prescription was ready to find out that they were working on it and would call me in a few minutes! WOW!!! Jon calls and needed a ride home and I could not leave! I felt horrible! Man it tour my emotions up to leave my poor hubby stranded and his friends had already left. Thank goodness a guy from the next group that lives behind us took him home! Also at this point I should have had my insulin well over a hour ago and should have had dinner! My sugar was totally crashing and I still had not been called! So I get back in line and when I get up there it was ready and the lady told me it was a $150.00 I almost died! I started asking questions. One because with tricare it is only suppose to be nine dollars and two WOW! My Dr had put 5 months supply but the money was still off! I told them I only needed one for now which I was told I would have to wait for them to fix it. Thirty minutes later I get up there and it was nine dollars and I was exhausted, starving and ready to go! So Arbys is the first place I see so I grabbed food and drove home! In the door I was rushing so that I could get my insulin shot and wait my 30 minutes and eat! I open the bag to find that they only gave me one of my prescriptions and well I take two types of insulin mixed! I lost it in my husbands arms! I cried like I have not cried in a very long time which left him angry and ready to get someone! So I was going to go get the other and my husband convinced me at this point I needed to take the other brand and get my sugar up. Thank goodness one of us was rational! I took my insulin and grabbed my food and on my way to Walgreen's I go! I get there and the girl was wondering why I was back! I let her know they only did one! She felt bad and said it would only take a few moments she promised! She was right it didn't take super long about 15 minutes! Thank goodness! I got it and on my way home I ate my dinner!
Wednesday, I started the new insulin and was still itching! I was hoping the other was still in my system and I was going to have to wait a few days for it to leave for good! Otherwise it was a pretty good day! Got some things worked on for the move!
Thursday, still itching! Fun, Fun! Once again I have my NST, which went well! Next was my doctors appt. I had to take my meter and my records in for them to look at and I was actually running low so we made some adjustments to the amount of insulin I was taking. Next was my favorite part, my ultrasound! When he flipped the monitor on it was on Tyler's face! So cute he looks just like his daddy! It made me so excited to get to meet him! I can't believe how big he is getting and how much like a real baby he looks like! The rest was just checking to make sure I have enough fluid in there for him, which I had plenty of! The rest of the appointment was spent talking about the move! Yeah I was cleared to fly home! WOO HOO! I was going to anyway! Now there is no problems! HAHA
Friday, well I don't remember what happened but the weekend was crazy! We spent the whole weekend getting ready for the packers to arrive on Monday Morning! Lots of finishing going through stuff! More on packers in the next blog!
Monday, August 31, 2009
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
32 Weeks
So today I am 32 weeks today! Wow I have no idea where the time went by! We are getting so excited for a sweet little boy to get here! We have almost everything we need and we feel so blessed to have sweet family and friends that helped us get that way! It is still so exciting to go look at baby stuff! I just love it!
I am going to back up a little to catch everyone up!
31 Weeks
I skipped 31 weeks and I am sorry! The last week has been the hardest week of my pregnancy so far. The day I turned 31 weeks I got to go to the hospital to take my 3 hour glucose test. My dear sweet neighbor went to sit with me and make sure I was okay! Thank goodness! It helped with time so much! The drink did not bother me that much but getting stuck in the same arm 4 times was not that fun! Man I was starving when it was time to leave and so we went to eat lunch and man I was glad she drove! I was feeling weak! Thursday while I was out running errands I got a phone call from my doctors office to let me know that my levels were elevated and they were sending me to a nutritionist.
Friday morning got even better when my doctor called to tell me how off my tests really were. He told me that all 4 of my tests were abnormal and that he was going to start me on insulin and that I would have to start monitoring. They were trying to send me to the diabetic education center and would let me know when it was approved. Also my thyroid was starting to get low and I had to change my prescription to that as well! He wanted me to come pick up my all my prescriptions that afternoon. I cried almost all afternoon! My pregnancy hormones made all of it worse! I picked up all my prescriptions and had to take them to the hospital on post to get them filled and I was at the counter for forever! I had to get so much stuff! I needed a meter, strips, lancets, needes, insulin, a needle container, and my thyroid medicine. I had two big grocery bags leaving the hosptial! It looked like I was dying!
All weekend I read as much as I could and tried my best to follow what I know about the diabetic diet. I got a great book on gestational diabetes that I read all day Sunday! I really want to get this under control and do what is best for my baby and my health!
Monday I waited for my doctors office to call with my referral and the diabetes center called to tell me that the request was going to be denied because they were only a nutritionist and there was one on post and ask did I want to pay to come see them or what. I told them I would call my doctors office. They already knew Tricare had denied it but they had not called to inform me! So I was asking about the one on post and well to say it simple! Thank goodness my neighbor was with me because she took me and showed me where it was so I could walk in and make myself a appointment! I am glad I went in because they have a two week waiting list and because I was almost 32 weeks and moving in 2 weeks they worked me into a cancellation yesterday! Thank goodness. Something going was going right!
Tuesday was a busy day! Some of this does not have to do with my pregnancy but some does! I slept late and was woke up by a great phone call that everything had been approved for us to get the house at Fort Campbell! Yeah! Now to get ready really fast because we had to be at the Transportation office at 8! We got our packing and loading days scheduled and found out that they had messed up Jon's orders! Fabulous!!! So off to take Jon to work so he go back to class and get his orders fixed! Then I had to go to to my Nutrition appointment! Wow, what can I say about her! Yikes! I was truly disappointed! I wish I had someone like my Mom's nutritionist. I did learn some things and she did give me some paperwork!
32 Weeks
Wednesday I turned 32 weeks! What a blessing! Time has flown by! 8 weeks left!
Thursday started out going to be a long day and ended up being a very long eventful, stressful day! At 1:20 I had a appointment with my PCM to teach me how to do my insulin shots. Of course they took my vitals and my BP was 132/80, which is a little high. Then it was time to get to business! She was wonderful! We layed out all my stuff and and spread out! She tought me how to fill up my needles with the types of Insulin I am on and how to inject them! She let me ask all my questions and I actually felt better. Next was my regular Dr.'s appt at 3:40. First off as usual we weighed. I have now gain 19 pounds! YIKES!!! Then we went to go take my BP I was thinking it would be similar to the last appointment, boy was I wrong, it was 179/89. Then we listened to Tylers heartbeat which was 180, pounding away like it normally does. So today I had appointment with my NP so when she came in I was expecting an examination and a chance for me to ask all my millions of questions but instead I was told I had to go to labor and delivery for a Non Stress Test and several other tests. I was freaking out! She left to call the hospital and I cried my eyes out! When she came back I tried asking some questions I had but was being rushed out to go straight to the hosiptal! I tried texting husband and he didn't respond so I tried calling him and still was not a success! So off to the hospital by myself I went! I called my Mom and Mother-in-law on the way! I didn't even know I was going to have to check in! So I walked to Labor and Delivery and then had to walk back to the front to check in. They were having a heartache because I was not preregistered for Labor! I am not having my baby at this hosipital so of course I am not pre-registered. Well needless to say I am now! I had to feel out a ton of paperwork then they wheeled me back to L&D triage room. On my way I had finally talked to my hubby and my Dad called to check on me well until I lost cell phone service! I had no idea what was going on and I was scaried to death. Thank goodness I had wonderful Triage nurses! A nurse came in to draw some blood and told me they were testing me for pre-eclampsia and while she was drawing my blood the other nurse was trying to calm me down and get some more information from me. Next they took my bloodpressure which was 147/80 now (Which is weird to me because I was so stressed and upset I would have thought it would have been way up there!) and then they hooked me up to the machine listening to baby's heartbeat and to my heartbeat. Not long the nurse came back and told me she had found someone that I wanted to see! Thank goodness Jon had got there! When she came back to check my results Tyler had been sleeping so they could not see what they wanted to see so we had to wake him up to get the results that they needed. Finally after a 1 1/2 we had what they needed and my bloodwork had come back all good so they were going to release me! Also my bloodpressure was 132/67. Being released also requires filling out paperwork and I had to schedule two NST a week. Finally I could leave! We were starving so we stopped on the way home to eat after calling the parents to let them know that Tyler and Me were okay!
Friday morning I was suppose to start my insulin but since I was rushed out I forgot to ask two questions my other doctor had told me to ask! So now I had to call about those and also to book my ultrasound for the next week! After that I went to the pharmacy to finally get trained on my meter! The rest of the day I spent trying to clean our house for my dear sweet husbands birthday! I got lots done but didn't succeed completely! I was exhausted by the time I had to go pick up the hubby! We came back home and did some more laundry and cooked supper! Jon worked on some schoolwork and watched some GI Joes cartoons that he got for his birthday from his brother!
Saturday was Jon's Birthday and well he wanted a lazy day so that is what he had! I cleaned some more and ran to the grocery store. For supper Jon wanted Grilled chicken sandwiches and green beans. I also baked him a red velvet cake because it is his favorite! He loved his dinner as did me and Kevin. I ate no carbs with my dinner so I could have a piece of cake! It was one yummy cake! After dinner we met his whole squad to go to the movies. Another movie that Jon loved and I not so much! Some parts were funny though!
I am going to back up a little to catch everyone up!
31 Weeks
I skipped 31 weeks and I am sorry! The last week has been the hardest week of my pregnancy so far. The day I turned 31 weeks I got to go to the hospital to take my 3 hour glucose test. My dear sweet neighbor went to sit with me and make sure I was okay! Thank goodness! It helped with time so much! The drink did not bother me that much but getting stuck in the same arm 4 times was not that fun! Man I was starving when it was time to leave and so we went to eat lunch and man I was glad she drove! I was feeling weak! Thursday while I was out running errands I got a phone call from my doctors office to let me know that my levels were elevated and they were sending me to a nutritionist.
Friday morning got even better when my doctor called to tell me how off my tests really were. He told me that all 4 of my tests were abnormal and that he was going to start me on insulin and that I would have to start monitoring. They were trying to send me to the diabetic education center and would let me know when it was approved. Also my thyroid was starting to get low and I had to change my prescription to that as well! He wanted me to come pick up my all my prescriptions that afternoon. I cried almost all afternoon! My pregnancy hormones made all of it worse! I picked up all my prescriptions and had to take them to the hospital on post to get them filled and I was at the counter for forever! I had to get so much stuff! I needed a meter, strips, lancets, needes, insulin, a needle container, and my thyroid medicine. I had two big grocery bags leaving the hosptial! It looked like I was dying!
All weekend I read as much as I could and tried my best to follow what I know about the diabetic diet. I got a great book on gestational diabetes that I read all day Sunday! I really want to get this under control and do what is best for my baby and my health!
Monday I waited for my doctors office to call with my referral and the diabetes center called to tell me that the request was going to be denied because they were only a nutritionist and there was one on post and ask did I want to pay to come see them or what. I told them I would call my doctors office. They already knew Tricare had denied it but they had not called to inform me! So I was asking about the one on post and well to say it simple! Thank goodness my neighbor was with me because she took me and showed me where it was so I could walk in and make myself a appointment! I am glad I went in because they have a two week waiting list and because I was almost 32 weeks and moving in 2 weeks they worked me into a cancellation yesterday! Thank goodness. Something going was going right!
Tuesday was a busy day! Some of this does not have to do with my pregnancy but some does! I slept late and was woke up by a great phone call that everything had been approved for us to get the house at Fort Campbell! Yeah! Now to get ready really fast because we had to be at the Transportation office at 8! We got our packing and loading days scheduled and found out that they had messed up Jon's orders! Fabulous!!! So off to take Jon to work so he go back to class and get his orders fixed! Then I had to go to to my Nutrition appointment! Wow, what can I say about her! Yikes! I was truly disappointed! I wish I had someone like my Mom's nutritionist. I did learn some things and she did give me some paperwork!
32 Weeks
Wednesday I turned 32 weeks! What a blessing! Time has flown by! 8 weeks left!
Thursday started out going to be a long day and ended up being a very long eventful, stressful day! At 1:20 I had a appointment with my PCM to teach me how to do my insulin shots. Of course they took my vitals and my BP was 132/80, which is a little high. Then it was time to get to business! She was wonderful! We layed out all my stuff and and spread out! She tought me how to fill up my needles with the types of Insulin I am on and how to inject them! She let me ask all my questions and I actually felt better. Next was my regular Dr.'s appt at 3:40. First off as usual we weighed. I have now gain 19 pounds! YIKES!!! Then we went to go take my BP I was thinking it would be similar to the last appointment, boy was I wrong, it was 179/89. Then we listened to Tylers heartbeat which was 180, pounding away like it normally does. So today I had appointment with my NP so when she came in I was expecting an examination and a chance for me to ask all my millions of questions but instead I was told I had to go to labor and delivery for a Non Stress Test and several other tests. I was freaking out! She left to call the hospital and I cried my eyes out! When she came back I tried asking some questions I had but was being rushed out to go straight to the hosiptal! I tried texting husband and he didn't respond so I tried calling him and still was not a success! So off to the hospital by myself I went! I called my Mom and Mother-in-law on the way! I didn't even know I was going to have to check in! So I walked to Labor and Delivery and then had to walk back to the front to check in. They were having a heartache because I was not preregistered for Labor! I am not having my baby at this hosipital so of course I am not pre-registered. Well needless to say I am now! I had to feel out a ton of paperwork then they wheeled me back to L&D triage room. On my way I had finally talked to my hubby and my Dad called to check on me well until I lost cell phone service! I had no idea what was going on and I was scaried to death. Thank goodness I had wonderful Triage nurses! A nurse came in to draw some blood and told me they were testing me for pre-eclampsia and while she was drawing my blood the other nurse was trying to calm me down and get some more information from me. Next they took my bloodpressure which was 147/80 now (Which is weird to me because I was so stressed and upset I would have thought it would have been way up there!) and then they hooked me up to the machine listening to baby's heartbeat and to my heartbeat. Not long the nurse came back and told me she had found someone that I wanted to see! Thank goodness Jon had got there! When she came back to check my results Tyler had been sleeping so they could not see what they wanted to see so we had to wake him up to get the results that they needed. Finally after a 1 1/2 we had what they needed and my bloodwork had come back all good so they were going to release me! Also my bloodpressure was 132/67. Being released also requires filling out paperwork and I had to schedule two NST a week. Finally I could leave! We were starving so we stopped on the way home to eat after calling the parents to let them know that Tyler and Me were okay!
Friday morning I was suppose to start my insulin but since I was rushed out I forgot to ask two questions my other doctor had told me to ask! So now I had to call about those and also to book my ultrasound for the next week! After that I went to the pharmacy to finally get trained on my meter! The rest of the day I spent trying to clean our house for my dear sweet husbands birthday! I got lots done but didn't succeed completely! I was exhausted by the time I had to go pick up the hubby! We came back home and did some more laundry and cooked supper! Jon worked on some schoolwork and watched some GI Joes cartoons that he got for his birthday from his brother!
Saturday was Jon's Birthday and well he wanted a lazy day so that is what he had! I cleaned some more and ran to the grocery store. For supper Jon wanted Grilled chicken sandwiches and green beans. I also baked him a red velvet cake because it is his favorite! He loved his dinner as did me and Kevin. I ate no carbs with my dinner so I could have a piece of cake! It was one yummy cake! After dinner we met his whole squad to go to the movies. Another movie that Jon loved and I not so much! Some parts were funny though!
Our New House!


Our New House!!!! We are so excited we found out we have a house in Clarksville, TN!!!! We decided not to live on post anymore! We wanted some space for us and for little Tyler! Also we are very excited because we will have plenty of room for guests now! We can not wait to get there and get all of our stuff in there and be able to spread out!
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Weekend Review
So last Thursday I had my doctors appt. I was so excited because I was going to get to see my little guy. When I first got there I had to wait a little since he was really busy. This would be because there are/were two great doctors in Sierra Vista and one decided to go back in the Army and shut his doors so most of his patients are all at my doctor now! Fun right! I was told the Army will not even send you to either one of them in less you request them because so many do request them! Anyway, after they took me back was time for my least favorite thing. I hate getting weighed because I was so scared at what it is going to say. But so far the whole pregnancy it has been pretty nice to me. I had only gained 2.5 pounds since my last visit 4 weeks ago putting me at only gaining 16.5 pounds so far. So I am doing very good for my 2 goals. I have two because one is more of a reality and one is in my head! I would love to stay at 25 but my goal is not to go over 35, since anything over 35 is all yours! Next is normally bathroom time but they would not let me since I was having my ultrasound. :( I thought I was going to die with all the kicking he was doing. So anyway he pulled him up and he was so cute! He is getting so big! So they say he weighs in at 3 pounds and 11 ounces. I remember when he was the size of a bean and now he takes up most of my stomach other than all the fluid. His little feet were so cute and kicking the whole time! He is for sure going to have my lips and Jons face shape! I can not wait to meet him! After my lovely ultrasound I was getting yelled out because my doctor thought that I had forgotten to get my blood work done, which was a lie, so then I got a little slip of paper to have it repeated and he nicely tacked on some more! Fun right! Not so much! I hate needles!
So Friday morning I get up take hubby to work then come back home. I had not slept at all much the night before so I layed in the bed until the lab opened, well that was the plan anyway, I woke up at 8:30 and finished getting ready and went to the hospital lab. One of my test was my 1 hour glucose test, so I got my fruit punch flavored drink and had 5 minutes to drink it all! It did not taste bad at all it tasted like kool-aid that you got at Vacation Bible School when you were a little kid! LOL. The bad part was sitting in a very uncomfortable chair for the next hour. Then they called me back, and from my sheet I thought I was getting 4 viles of blood, BIG FAT WRONG! They drew 8 viles of blood! Yucky and I had to get stuck twice because the first arm would not bleed right. But the girl did really good and I did not even feel the other needle go in! So now I took our 30 days notice to vacate to housing! WOO HOO!! I was starving by now so I decided to go home and get a bite to eat and visit with my neighbor. After lunch I had to go to my doctors office to get a lovely shot! Fabulous right! WRONG Again! So I checked in and they brought me back and weighed me again and to my suprise I weighed 2 pounds less than the day before so now they have me at 14.5 pounds! My doctor said that was good because a lot of my weight is fluid retition because I still had swelling that day! The little nurse came in ask which hip and took my blood pressure! Next was the part I was not going to like but it turned out not to be bad at all! I even gave the nurse a laugh because I felt the pressure of her hand and ask was she done turned my head to see that she was and was shocked! I thought the medicine going in was the needle going in! NICE! So now time to go home and relax! Well I had told hubby I was going to cook a romantic dinner but was not feeling it and was exhuasted so I thought a nap would help! Well before I fell asleep he came home and we decided to go to pizza hut and to see GI JOE! What a awesome movie but they were playing it in our tiny, worse than dollar movie theatre! YUCK! It was so hot in there I almost got sick! I had to leave and go run my hands under cold water and was putting cold paper towels on my feet because I could not get my flip flops off! I cooled down a little and went with cold paper towels back in the movie and ate all the ice left in my drink and Jons drink. I though I wasn't going to make it I felt so sick and looked and there was only 5 minutes left so I survived. I walked so fast to the car and we had the AC on high! Crazy but a great movie! Hopefully next weekend we can go to Tucson and see it again in a good theater.
Saturday morning we slept in and then Jon went to the Gym and worked out and ran. We watched golf and mostly laid around. I went to Target to return a few things and then to Hastings and looked around. When I got home I cooked Chicken Cordon Bleu, Green Beans, Carrots, Rolls and a Apple Crisp with Vanilla ice cream for dessert! So yummy! We also watched the movie "Firewall" it was really good but intense at times! Then time for bed again!
Sunday we slept really late, later than we planned! Guess we both needed it! We missed church and I cooked a egg casserole and we watched once again Golf! GO TIGER!! It was a great game today! After golf Jon went for a jog while I got ready for the pool! We went to the pool on post and it was fantastic! It was freezing though! Once in it was not bad at all but took a few minutes to get in! We swam so laps. I started with a kick board and went then I wanted to swim so I put it down and really learned how much this kid is cramping my lungs! WOW!!! But what great exercise and my belly felt so light! It was nice! We decided to come home and finish drying off in our chairs in the back yard and read in our books! Great day!
Now it is time to get ready for bed and back to the normal week activities!
So Friday morning I get up take hubby to work then come back home. I had not slept at all much the night before so I layed in the bed until the lab opened, well that was the plan anyway, I woke up at 8:30 and finished getting ready and went to the hospital lab. One of my test was my 1 hour glucose test, so I got my fruit punch flavored drink and had 5 minutes to drink it all! It did not taste bad at all it tasted like kool-aid that you got at Vacation Bible School when you were a little kid! LOL. The bad part was sitting in a very uncomfortable chair for the next hour. Then they called me back, and from my sheet I thought I was getting 4 viles of blood, BIG FAT WRONG! They drew 8 viles of blood! Yucky and I had to get stuck twice because the first arm would not bleed right. But the girl did really good and I did not even feel the other needle go in! So now I took our 30 days notice to vacate to housing! WOO HOO!! I was starving by now so I decided to go home and get a bite to eat and visit with my neighbor. After lunch I had to go to my doctors office to get a lovely shot! Fabulous right! WRONG Again! So I checked in and they brought me back and weighed me again and to my suprise I weighed 2 pounds less than the day before so now they have me at 14.5 pounds! My doctor said that was good because a lot of my weight is fluid retition because I still had swelling that day! The little nurse came in ask which hip and took my blood pressure! Next was the part I was not going to like but it turned out not to be bad at all! I even gave the nurse a laugh because I felt the pressure of her hand and ask was she done turned my head to see that she was and was shocked! I thought the medicine going in was the needle going in! NICE! So now time to go home and relax! Well I had told hubby I was going to cook a romantic dinner but was not feeling it and was exhuasted so I thought a nap would help! Well before I fell asleep he came home and we decided to go to pizza hut and to see GI JOE! What a awesome movie but they were playing it in our tiny, worse than dollar movie theatre! YUCK! It was so hot in there I almost got sick! I had to leave and go run my hands under cold water and was putting cold paper towels on my feet because I could not get my flip flops off! I cooled down a little and went with cold paper towels back in the movie and ate all the ice left in my drink and Jons drink. I though I wasn't going to make it I felt so sick and looked and there was only 5 minutes left so I survived. I walked so fast to the car and we had the AC on high! Crazy but a great movie! Hopefully next weekend we can go to Tucson and see it again in a good theater.
Saturday morning we slept in and then Jon went to the Gym and worked out and ran. We watched golf and mostly laid around. I went to Target to return a few things and then to Hastings and looked around. When I got home I cooked Chicken Cordon Bleu, Green Beans, Carrots, Rolls and a Apple Crisp with Vanilla ice cream for dessert! So yummy! We also watched the movie "Firewall" it was really good but intense at times! Then time for bed again!
Sunday we slept really late, later than we planned! Guess we both needed it! We missed church and I cooked a egg casserole and we watched once again Golf! GO TIGER!! It was a great game today! After golf Jon went for a jog while I got ready for the pool! We went to the pool on post and it was fantastic! It was freezing though! Once in it was not bad at all but took a few minutes to get in! We swam so laps. I started with a kick board and went then I wanted to swim so I put it down and really learned how much this kid is cramping my lungs! WOW!!! But what great exercise and my belly felt so light! It was nice! We decided to come home and finish drying off in our chairs in the back yard and read in our books! Great day!
Now it is time to get ready for bed and back to the normal week activities!
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Fort Campbell, KY Here We Come

So Orders are in hand and it is Official! We are moving to Ft. Campbell, KY! We will be part of 3rd Brigade and are very excited to be going back to the South. We will be living in the city of Clarksville,TN and are very close to Nashville! This will be a very excited move with Baby Tyler coming to meet us soon after we get there! So Fort Campbell here we come!
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
30 Weeks
So yesterday I turned 30 weeks! Wow time has flown by! I can not believe that I have 10 weeks left. Pregnancy symptoms are really kicking in now but I still have had a great pregnancy!
My Life right Now:
1. Most days I feel HUGE!
2. I have a VERY active little boy who can kick very hard and punch very hard!
3. Tyler has learned to do both at the same time
4. He is running out of room and is very pushy to move around where he wants
5. Braxton Hicks have begun
6. Heartburn is here to stay
7. Sleeping at night is getting hard
8. Getting comfortable is hard
9. Breathing sometimes is hard due to him smushing my lungs! Thanks Baby!
11. Mocha has decided she likes to give my belly kisses! Cute and gross!
12. I fly home in 4 weeks from today for good!
13. Jon and Dad start the drive towards home in 5 weeks from today!
14. That equals my house will get packed up in 3 weeks! Crazy!
15. Acne has gotten really bad! I feel 13 again!
16. My hubby has tried to balance things on my belly! Funny yet oh so not funny!
17. I itch!
18. Shaving is a BIG joke!
19. I cry at the drop of a pin
20. Speaking of drop I DROP EVERYTHING!
21. I am also losing my balance
22. I feel like a bloated pig
23. My appetite has decreased]
24. Flip Flops are my best friend
25. I am getting scaried to death about delivery yet excited to meet Tyler
26. Jons view is too funny!
27. I am pretty sure he is going to be in shock! TOTAL Shock!
28. I am sure of one thing, my kid is going to be dressed awesome!
29. I am ready, well acutally beyond ready to set up my nursury and actually see everything in place and see what all clothing I have!
30. I need to start washing the clothes that I do have here!
31. I also need to finish sewing a few projects for him!
32. Did I mention how FAT I feel!
33. The good news is I have lost everywhere except my belly and chest!
34. Even my face until all this water retition kicked in!
35. I love looking at all of his stuff! It gets me so excited!
36. I have to go to the bathroom all the time! LIKE ALL THE TIME!
37. My kid loves music, he will dance in my belly! Very cute!
38. I also think he is coming out with a soccer ball!
39. Did I mention when I fly home my hubby is flying with me so that we can go to the beach for Labor Day weekend!
40. Yes the boys are going fishing and me and Mom are going to the outlets and laying on the beach!
41. You will not be able to miss me! I will be the beached whale sitting in my chair with the water on my feet!
42. I am pretty sure my maternity swimsuit is going to be super tight in one area! Oh well!
43. I can not wait to see and smell the blue water!
44. I have to start getting everything ready for the hospital!
45. I am stressing about what all I need!
46. I also can not decide what kind of pajamas I want pants or gown? Suggestions?
47. Also I have no idea what to take to wear home from the hospital?
48. I know lose fitting but I want cute! Where do you find that?
49. I hope everyone makes it for the birth! I really want my Mommy and My Hubby!
50. Wow this got long! Sorry!
Okay I will post pictures later from our ultrasound today! I can not wait to see him and see how big he is getting!
My Life right Now:
1. Most days I feel HUGE!
2. I have a VERY active little boy who can kick very hard and punch very hard!
3. Tyler has learned to do both at the same time
4. He is running out of room and is very pushy to move around where he wants
5. Braxton Hicks have begun
6. Heartburn is here to stay
7. Sleeping at night is getting hard
8. Getting comfortable is hard
9. Breathing sometimes is hard due to him smushing my lungs! Thanks Baby!
11. Mocha has decided she likes to give my belly kisses! Cute and gross!
12. I fly home in 4 weeks from today for good!
13. Jon and Dad start the drive towards home in 5 weeks from today!
14. That equals my house will get packed up in 3 weeks! Crazy!
15. Acne has gotten really bad! I feel 13 again!
16. My hubby has tried to balance things on my belly! Funny yet oh so not funny!
17. I itch!
18. Shaving is a BIG joke!
19. I cry at the drop of a pin
20. Speaking of drop I DROP EVERYTHING!
21. I am also losing my balance
22. I feel like a bloated pig
23. My appetite has decreased]
24. Flip Flops are my best friend
25. I am getting scaried to death about delivery yet excited to meet Tyler
26. Jons view is too funny!
27. I am pretty sure he is going to be in shock! TOTAL Shock!
28. I am sure of one thing, my kid is going to be dressed awesome!
29. I am ready, well acutally beyond ready to set up my nursury and actually see everything in place and see what all clothing I have!
30. I need to start washing the clothes that I do have here!
31. I also need to finish sewing a few projects for him!
32. Did I mention how FAT I feel!
33. The good news is I have lost everywhere except my belly and chest!
34. Even my face until all this water retition kicked in!
35. I love looking at all of his stuff! It gets me so excited!
36. I have to go to the bathroom all the time! LIKE ALL THE TIME!
37. My kid loves music, he will dance in my belly! Very cute!
38. I also think he is coming out with a soccer ball!
39. Did I mention when I fly home my hubby is flying with me so that we can go to the beach for Labor Day weekend!
40. Yes the boys are going fishing and me and Mom are going to the outlets and laying on the beach!
41. You will not be able to miss me! I will be the beached whale sitting in my chair with the water on my feet!
42. I am pretty sure my maternity swimsuit is going to be super tight in one area! Oh well!
43. I can not wait to see and smell the blue water!
44. I have to start getting everything ready for the hospital!
45. I am stressing about what all I need!
46. I also can not decide what kind of pajamas I want pants or gown? Suggestions?
47. Also I have no idea what to take to wear home from the hospital?
48. I know lose fitting but I want cute! Where do you find that?
49. I hope everyone makes it for the birth! I really want my Mommy and My Hubby!
50. Wow this got long! Sorry!
Okay I will post pictures later from our ultrasound today! I can not wait to see him and see how big he is getting!
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