Saturday morning we all got up and got ready. Jon left around 10 to head to go be with the guys and get ready for the weekend. Tyler took a very good nap and I finished getting ready and rested some till about 12:30 then we headed downstairs to meet up with some friends to head to the wedding. We got to the church and went in. The church was beautiful. The guys looked so nice and the bridesmaids dresses were very cute. Janelle looked amazing heading down the aisle. The wedding was great even though I had to get up and take my child out of the church because he decided to throw a temper tantrum. Oh the age of 2 is going to be so fun! He also locked his self in the bathroom outside of the church when he was playing opening and closing the door and I had to break in. He thought it was funny I however did not. After the wedding they did the traditional saber arch and it was beautiful! I love military weddings! LOVE THEM! Then they went to take a bunch more photos and I talked with some of the other spouses for a little while. The wedding party loaded two buses to go take some off site pictures. I followed and got some cute ones as well. Next stop was the reception. They cut the cake and then we had dinner. After dinner Tyler was so sleeping and acting up so I left and took him back to the hotel. Jon stayed and they went and got more pictures then came back for dancing! It was a long day but a great one! So happy for them and wish them the best and many years of happiness.
The guys!
The Happy Couple
Great friends of ours Jessica and Josh
Cute Tyler playing with mommy's glasses